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Learning Through Roller Skating-Conquering Science, Technology, Engineering & Math

Skater’s Choice , which has been providing fun, safe and exciting experiences for children for years, has added a new dimension to their game: virtual education! Skater’s Choice has combined science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) with roller skating to help children learn and experience concepts through a virtual experience and hands om activities all at once.

The STEM lesson programs are designed by experts across the country including PHD candidates and certified teachers and uses enthusiastic and qualified educators to show that STEM is not only found in everyday experiences, but that it can be FUN! The hands on activities that relate roller skating to STEM capture the student’s attention and help explain difficult-to-teach concepts.

Since embarking on this new virtual STEM journey, Skater’s Choice has used their passion about the initiative to raise awareness on the growing need for STEM in the education of our youth. Misty Curtis, Event Coordinator and STEM Educator at Skater’s Choice, states, “The lack of STEM interest and seeing how far the students in the United States are falling behind in Stem is staggering. Our program gets children excited about STEM and motivates them to become involved in STEM topics in the future. Roller skating is such a natural fit when it comes to explaining STEM concepts, and the students are always completely amazed by the connection.”

Skater’s Choice is offering these STEM field trips VIRTUALLY to schools and groups across the Panhandle to elementary and middle schools. Watch a video of our unique program here: