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Panama City Rescue Mission Announces New President & CEO Stephen Fett

Panama City Rescue Mission Announces New President & CEO Stephen Fett

The Panama City Rescue Mission is a nonprofit dedicated to providing emergency services, transitional housing, addiction recovery programs for men and women, advocacy/referrals, Christian counseling, and special outreaches to homeless and indigent men, women, and children of the central panhandle of Florida.

Panama City Rescue Mission is pleased to announce the appointment of Stephen Fett as the new president & chief executive officer. Stephen brings a unique skill set to this position. With a background in corporate business development with Fortune 500 companies and experience as an entrepreneur, he is well-versed in taking organizations to the next level. Using the tools gained as a corporate-trained management consultant acquired working with giants in the professional development and personal growth industries for over thirty years,

Stephen began helping others implement these principles in their professional and personal lives. “I’ve watched people grow beyond their initial ambition and achieve things they never imagined possible”, said Stephen Fett. “I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Thurman while serving multiple roles as a board member for five years. His presence at the Mission provided a strong through-line of stability and strength that has allowed us to become a powerful place for Christ’s renewal and life transformation in Bay and Walton Counties”, said Stephen.

The Board of Directors voted unanimously. “We are fortunate and blessed to have someone of Stephen Fett’s caliber and experience step up to lead Panama City Rescue Mission,” said, Henry Hazard Panama City Rescue Mission board member.

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